Mount Tamalpais
Watershed Projects
From disconnected park sites to a cohesively managed watershed. Red Bridge Group members, including ESA, WRT and H.T. Harvey, have worked throughout the Mount Tamalpais watershed over the past 20 years.
Our work spans project management, river hydrology, beach restoration, hiking trails and foot bridges, marsh adaptation, and visitor access to national, state and county parks. Each project involved considerable staff, stakeholder, and public constituents to shape the project. Projects were led by the National Park Service and Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy in conjuction with One Tam, an agency partnership between the NPS, California State Parks, the Marin Municipal Water District, Marin County Parks and the Parks Conservancy. The conservation and recreation goals require deliberate coordination between design, planning, hydrological, and biological experts. Cathie Barner was Vice President of Projects and Stewardship at the Parks Conservancy during much of this work. Cathie’s team closely collaborated with NPS and many consultants who are now members of Red Bridge Group on the Muir Beach and Redwood Creek restoration as well as projects at Muir Woods and throughout the surrounding trail system.