Our Team


H. T. Harvey & Associates

Steve Rottenborn
Natural resources and CEQA/NEPA compliance

Steve has 23 years of experience in ecological consulting, focused on creating ecologically sound solutions to client’s natural resources challenges. Through his experience managing a wide variety of projects, addressing virtually all the biological resources issues facing projects in northern California, he has developed a pragmatic, creative, and efficient approach to virtually any project, be it development, management, conservation, or restoration oriented.

Key accomplishments: Biology lead for restoration and facilities/recreation planning, and preparation of the Environmental Assessment, for the Crissy Field Next project; senior wildlife ecologist for programmatic CEQA/NEPA assessment and Phase 1 permitting for the 15,000-acre South Bay Salt Ponds Restoration Project; Led work on the biological CEQA assessment and permitting for extensive/regional facilities and habitat management programs for the Santa Clara Valley Water District, San Jose Water Company, County of San Mateo, and Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District. Serves on the scientific/technical advisory committees of the South Bay Salt Ponds Restoration Project and San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory, and on the Board of Directors of Western Field Ornithologists.


CMG Landscape Architecture

Willett Moss and Lauren Bergenholtz Landscape Design

CMG is a mission driven landscape architecture studio working to increase social and ecological wellbeing through artful design. They create memorable landscapes that explore democracy of public space and ecological function. CMG works on a wide range of initiatives, project scales and types, with the philosophy that all work accrues as the single overarching project of improving communities. 

Key accomplishments: CMG has worked successfully on major public projects that integrate an inclusive stakeholder planning and design process to inform proposals with broad support. They have worked in a number of National, State and local parks with significant natural and historic resources and are well versed in the Secretary of Interior Standards and Guidelines for cultural landscapes. CMG works regularly with environmental consultants to inform conservation and design of ecological systems and habitat in the public realm. CMG has been a partner in the ongoing stewardship of Crissy Field since 1999. Other collaborative planning and design projects include Treasure Island that will include dramatic waterfront parks; Yerba Buena Island Habitat Management where the open space is proposed to be managed as passive and natural habitat; and Alcatraz Embarkation design.


EHDD Architecture Advisor 

Jennifer Devlin, FAIA, Principal

EHDD believes great design lifts spirits and opens minds, connects people and communities, embraces and protects the environment. They have been a national leader in sustainable design since their founding more than 70 years ago – it is their passion and mission. EHDD has an extensive portfolio of public projects and depth designing spaces where the public interfaces with and accesses cultural and visitor resources. Founder Joseph Esherick was the lead architect of the Sea Ranch development from its inception. The firm continues a tradition of beautiful site inspired design with natural materials and low impact on the earth.

Key accomplishments: EHDD pioneered the Net Zero Energy concept over 15 years ago in response to changing environments, and today they are leading the industry toward a carbon-neutral future. Jennifer managed the Lands End Lookout Visitor Center building and Alcatraz Embarkation projects as part of a larger collaborative team with NPS, Parks Conservancy and Port of San Francisco guidance. EHDD has a long list of inspired projects including the Exploratorium, Monterey Bay Aquarium and numerous public serving buildings.