Red Bridge Group

transform (v.)

mid-14c., "change the form of" (transitive), from Old French transformer (14c.), from Latin transformare "change in shape, metamorphose," from trans "across, beyond" (see trans-) + formare "to form" (see form (v.)).

Red Bridge Group transforms special places to new levels of excellence using collaborative processes and strategies. By assembling unique teams of experts and engaging community stakeholders, Red Bridge’s projects succeed for the enjoyment of all from one generation to the next.

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Why we do what we do

At Red Bridge Group we are inspired by transformation — ideas to reality, neglect to restoration, problems to solutions. We know that places serve different needs as time passes. Just as people must adapt for success, public places require transformation as environments, technologies, and visitor needs change. 

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The Red Bridge Approach

National Park Service
Contracting Information

Trails Forever

An initiative of the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, National Park Service and Presidio Trust, Trails Forever has attracted over $100 million in contributions and grants with a focus on the California Coastal Trail and well loved sites within the park. Key development and restoration took place at Muir Beach, Muir Woods, in the Marin Headlands, at the Presidio, Lands End and Mori Point.

Our Transformations

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Lands End

From a place of shipwrecks and Victorian-era amusements, to a derelict urban jungle, to a wonderland of trails, overlooks and a state-of-the-art national park visitors center.

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Crissy Field

From a marshland habitat for indigenous people and species, to a military airfield, to beloved park that sustains public recreation and the return of native plants and animals.

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Fort Baker

From an early Spanish settlement, to a seacoast army base, to a national park lodge with sweeping views and restored historic buildings where environmental groups convene.


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